Bird spotting machine
Using satelistica to “audify” and visualize the sky
A green-laser cannon built with electronics from the store and visuals programmed while flying to Colombia made up a single but memorable exhibition in a marginal town of the colombian Capital. The laser points to the highest object over the local sky in real time and generates sound from a database of modified satellite recordings.
Fotos: Katja Hommel
Satelistica is developed as an online project and all relevant information is to be found on the site
a project aiming to examine the existing data sources about the distribution of violence in colombia
A small set of screenshots of a demo-program I wrote for the periscopio project. Data about violence in Colombia is a very delicate issue that is rarely approached by non-academics or researchers. Usable tools or proposals to visualize the existing data and its inconsistencies cannot be found anywhere and the project aims to respond to those lackings, even though that same difficulty in accessing meaningful datasets is also hindering the project’s development.