Dystopische Idylle
Is an independent exhibition, conceived as a device towards action, learning and focus within the first wave of Pandemic fear. A small group of artists joined at the gallery of the Mengerzeile Project scape in Berlin and developed custom works for the project.

An exhibition with
Blandine Casen
Caroline Cecilia Tallone
Ana Maria Millán
Daniel Desiderio Páez
Ephemeral Tomorrow
Luis Bustamante + Sofia Clonn
Six households related to artistic practice, come together after a year of lock down, growing uncertainty and apocalyptic visions. The purpose: to rearticulate by free means, and within a small exhibition space, different interpretations of what they experienced on emotional and personal levels. What might they tell us about their perception of space and time after this not-so-subtle change of paradigm? What was, and is, their relationship to a Dystopia that hardly feels as real from our privileged context on a privileged geolocation? Why we elaborate and fantasize more than ever with the end of our time while choosing to ignore our role in the process of self-destruction?