Luis’ space for documenting a couple of interesting projects and eventually, share some knowledge

Thesen über das Ende der Welt
Hernán D. Caro Der alte Traum der Apokalypse spielt das Spiel des Traums des Fortschritts: beide bestehen in der Illusion einer Geschichte, die sich wie ein Pfeil durch die Zeiten […]
Traducción: La próxima década podría ser peor
Traducción libre del artículo de Graeme Wood en The Atlantic (The Next Decade Could Be Even WorseA historian believes he has discovered iron laws that predict the rise and fall […]
Schindler Elevator world
This is a three Channel – Video Installation for a showroom in the Brand’s headquarters in Switzerland. Two characters in a fictional supercity, fall in love after meeting accidentally and […]
VR hare on the moon
For the Workshop “Introduction to VR tools” made in bogotá-Colombia in 2018, I was requested to do a small Intro to the course. The venue, Liebre Lunar (Lunar hare), a […]
Favre-Leuba: softlaunch
Favre Leuba is a traditional, swiss clockmaker company that was kind of silent for the past years. They are relaunching their brand and asked Tamschick Media + Space to design […]
This Project has been online for a while and is lacking some sharing on social platforms. It was a good deal of Design challenges together and I had to pretty […]
Bird spotting machine
Using satelistica to “audify” and visualize the sky A green-laser cannon built with electronics from the store and visuals programmed while flying to Colombia made up a single but memorable […]
a project aiming to examine the existing data sources about the distribution of violence in colombia A small set of screenshots of a demo-program I wrote for the periscopio project. […]